

Object Permanence allows people to reason about the location of non-visible objects, by understanding that they continue to exist even when not perceived directly. Object Permanence is critical for building a model of the world, since objects in natural visual scenes dynamically occlude and contain each-other. Intensive studies in developmental psychology suggest that object permanence is a challenging task that is learned through extensive experience.

We introduce three main novel contributions:
(1) Conceptualizing that localizing non-visible objects requires two types of reasoning: about occluded objects and about carried ones.
(2) define four subtypes of localization tasks and introduce annotations for the CATER dataset to facilitate evaluating each of these subtasks.
(3) We describe a new unified architecture (OPNet) for all four subtasks, which can capture the two types of reasoning.

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@article{shamsian2020learning, title={Learning Object Permanence from Video}, author={Shamsian, Aviv and Kleinfeld, Ofri and Globerson, Amir and Chechik, Gal}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.10469}, year={2020} }