Aviv Shamsian , Ofri Kleinfeld , Amir Globerson , Gal Chechik
Object Permanence allows people to reason about the location of non-visible objects, by understanding that
they continue to exist even when not perceived directly. Object Permanence is critical for building a model
of the world, since objects in natural visual scenes dynamically occlude and contain each-other. Intensive
studies in developmental psychology suggest that object permanence is a challenging task that is learned
through extensive experience.
We introduce three main novel contributions:
(1) Conceptualizing that localizing non-visible objects
requires two types of reasoning: about occluded objects and about carried ones.
(2) define four subtypes of localization tasks and introduce annotations for the CATER dataset to facilitate evaluating each of these
(3) We describe a new unified architecture (OPNet) for all four subtasks, which can capture the
two types of reasoning.
@article{shamsian2020learning, title={Learning Object Permanence from Video}, author={Shamsian, Aviv and Kleinfeld, Ofri and Globerson, Amir and Chechik, Gal}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.10469}, year={2020} }